We are complete just as we are and yet we are also an integral part of a grander whole. When inherited and learned roadblocks are healed, wholeness is unveiled and illuminated . That’s when we stand in awe of our own magnificence.
My Unique Approach
I view treatment as a safe space where healing can occur through the process of un-peeling various layers of conscious and unconscious mental and emotional patterns. This unraveling helps individuals uncover and understand obstacles that stand in their way, empowering and inspiring them toward healing and transformation.
My intention and commitment in this work is to be a gardner. I tend to you, and the conditions and elements that facilitates your growth, healing and transformation. I do this by utilizing evidence based clinical expertise, my personal and professional experience, knowledge, intuition and wisdom and partner with you on your journey to wholeness. This delicate work is only possible when trust and alliance are established between therapist and client. The principles guiding this work are radical and unconditional acceptance, compassion, and non-judgment.